Stay informed with iStrike lightning alerts and mapping.
Simplicity is the key to our iStrike alerting and mapping service. No equipment to buy, alerts sent to any device by text or email, customizable warning zones, and easy management of your account online are just of few of the benefits that come standard.
iStrike harnesses the power of the largest network of lightning sensors on Earth, which tracks storm formation and intensity real-time with over 1,200 sensors across the globe.
We offer four different iStrike packages with several features to pick from including:
- Individual Licenses for non-commercial use
- Site License/s for commercial use
- Text Alerting
- Online Weather Portal Access
- Low and High Resolution Mapping with Live RADAR
- Cloud to Cloud lightning mapping options
- NWS Watches and Warnings Alerting
- Premium Forecasting Options
- For Educational or Enterprise Package Pricing,
contact us at
iStrike Lightning Alerting
Don’t be caught off-guard by lightning. iStrike’s comprehensive services provide all you need to keep people safe from lightning.